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  • Purushottam Nawale  · 技术社区  · 1 年前

    我有多个存储库。每次手动运行它们都很麻烦。我想在Linux(Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS)中创建一个shell脚本,以自动运行我的全栈应用程序。有可能创建这样一个脚本吗?

    # In Linux Terminal
    cd backend
    code .
    # After opening the VS Code, script should open integrated terminal
    # And in VS Code terminal, it should run these commands.
    source virtual-env/bin/activate
    python3 manage.py runserver
    # This script runs again in Linux Terminal
    cd ..
    cd frontend
    code .
    # This script runs in VS Code Terminal
    ng serve --open


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